Brian Grant Foundation

You can live well with Parkinson’s disease.


Living well with Parkinson's

Brian Grant was 36 years old when he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. As a former NBA player, he had the means to take advantage of any resources available to him to take on the disease. The only problem was, he couldn’t find resources available to someone like him. The Brian Grant foundation formed to inspire the diverse community of people affected by Parkinson’s disease to live active and fulfilling lives.




Carrie Grant, Designer
Mike Oslund, Copywriter
Carissa Young, Account Executive
Kristie Castanera, Copywriter

Live what's possible today ·

Simplify the brand

We worked with the Brian Grant Foundation to establish a new brand strategy, website, video, and marketing materials that would help it more effectively provide resources to its community and tell a unified story that can be woven through every interaction with the organization.

It starts with a spark

The new logo for the Brian Grant Foundation combines the energy and innovation associated with a spark or flame with the B and G letterforms from the original logo. The bold, geometric setting of the name balances strength an approachability. Keeping letters set in all lowercase elevates the organization as something much bigger than any one individual.

You have a community

Parkinson’s affects people of all backgrounds, ages, body types, and physical abilities. Care is taken to use inclusive language and imagery throughout the brand and marketing materials. In particular, the foundation seeks to celebrate the young people, women, and people of color who are often underrepresented in the Parkinson’s community. While they embrace evidence-based practices, the thing that sets them apart form other organizations is their emphasis on community.

Playfully irreverent

One of the most loved characteristics of the Brian Grant Foundation is how honest, direct, and unguarded it can be. When you find a community of peers you can trust, you are able to say things with a refreshing honesty and turn struggles into knowing laughter. While this quality of voice is present throughout the brand, it is most notable seen int he name of the annual gala—Shake it ’til we make it.