Pivot Riso Prints

New Values, New Prints


Pivot wanted to share its values in a vibrant, fun-filled way.

Rachel Getsinger (Design Director) hatched a scheme to have Pivot’s design team create custom riso prints for each of the values, so rallied the team and scheduled time at Outlet PDX to personally print a set of cards that were mailed to every Pivot Employee.

Always embrace the amazing mistake.

One of the great things about collaborating, working by hand, and using less precise processes is that it opens up the opportunity for messiness. Most companies try to avoid messiness—often for good reason—but mess can also bring an opportunity for new kinds of creativity and the creation of incredibly beautiful things. While printing these pieces, a few pages were mis-registered and flipped. The results were so stunning that we started to play around and see what all might come out.

Make it personal.

One of the things that makes Pivot unique is the way the team cares for one another. To highlight this personal care, we often select production methods on internal projects that incorporate the team directly in the making of our work. This handcrafted approach ensures that each piece we craft for one another is as unique as the people who made it. Our making work together has now become an important part of shaping our culture and a way of expressing care.